Gallery II | The mark of a single stitch repeated thousands of times creates its own open field. Pattern and pattern variation animate the surface.

People often ask about my “remarkable patience.” I do not have patience, I have grit. The only way to see my ideas is to make them. There are, by now, predictable stages of work — imagination, anticipation, frustration, doubting, denial, ripping out, restarting, tedium, and finally, often after months, a burst of energy near the end when I start to believe in what I am seeing.


Soliloquy II | 2015 | 24”x36” | hand stitched, hand dyed on layered silk

Detail | Soliloquy II


Hiraeth | 2014 | 36”x54” | hand stitched, multiple layers of hand dyed silk over linen ∞

Detail | Hiraeth


Saudade | 2014 | 36”x54” | hand stitched, multiple layers of hand dyed silk over linen

Fernweh | 2015 | 36”x54 | hand stitched, multiple layers of hand dyed silk over linen ∞

Detail | Fernweh


Soliloquy I | 2013 | 40”x40” | hand stitched, hand dyed silk collage

Detail | Soliloquy I


Tares | 2013 | 40”x12” | hand stitched, hand dyed silk and linen collage

Detail | Tares


Universe: Unfinished Work | 2013 | 20”x6”| Hand stitched on oil monoprinted silk and linen

Detail | Universe: Unfinished Work


The Long Way | 2013 | 24”x24” | Hand stitched on hand dyed silk collage

The Work of the Moon | 2013 | 24”x24” | Hand stitched on hand dyed silk collage

∞ available work, contact me for prices

all images ©carolyn nelson and may not be used without permission of the artist